Amid intense speculation of a rift between India captain MS Dhoni and his assistant Virender Sehwag, the BCCI said there is nothing to be disturbed about. BCCI President N Srinivasan also term media news alluding to the rift as blown up.
Srinivasan said there is no rift in the team, adding he has check with the team's media manager in Australia. You have no information of it. I don't think there is any rift in the team. There is not anything to be concerned about, Srinivasan told reporters after a meeting of the IPL Governing Council in New Delhi.BCCI Vice head Rajiv Shukla said Sehwag had been misquoted and added the supposed rift was speculation on part of the media.
Sehwag has been misquoted. That's what we came to understand. It is only a speculation by a section of media. I don't think there is any problem. BCCI Srinivasan is in constant touch with the team, Shukla said. Talking about the replacement policy, Shukla said the playing XI in the ongoing Commonwealth Bank Series is sure by the manager.
The bad blood between Dhoni and Sehwag appear to spill out when the latter accuse his skipper of not being truthful on the team's contentious Rotation policy. Talking to the media after India were defeated by Sri Lanka at Brisbane, Sehwag said the senior players had not been up to date that their slow fielding was an issue and added Dhoni had said the Rotation policy has been put in place to ensure the youngsters in the team get a chance to bat on the Australian pitches.
On Sunday, after India’s 110-run loss to Australia, Dhoni had said the top 3 batsmen were not playing every game as they very slow on the field.Dhoni had said on Sunday the top three are not being played in concert as it would affect India's fielding, adding that they could not break down fielding in the big grounds of Australia. They are safe fielders, but on the slower side the strain would be on them. There would be breakdowns. You can pull a weight or hamstring, Dhoni said.
Sehwag, who has been under pressure for runs in the Commonwealth Bank Series, said he is available for all matches, but without there was any rift in the team. We are one unit and a happy unit. He (Dhoni) is the captain… He can say anything he wants.
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